What if gold has other properties that make it valuable, other than its money/scarcity value I mean? What if it has undisclosed medicinal properties? Undisclosed scientific properties? Magical properties? Think "skin of the gods." What happens to its value then? What if its value is not due to scarcity at all – not anymore – because what if there's more than enough gold on the planet to flood the world with gold (given modern mining and exploration technologies)? The Satanists would not want us to have access to gold if it has the properties that make it the flesh of the gods. We know that gold ends the FED. But what exactly is the FED? Do multiple meanings exist in this case? In all cases?
What if gold's "magical" properties can be utlized without "consuming" the gold? That is, what if the gold's magical properties don't require teh gold to be diminished in weight or volume? What if one ounce of gold was enough gold for a person to benefit from these properties for his/her entire life? There is more than enough gold already stored to give every single person an ounce of gold. What if one ounce can confer these magical benefits on a family? One ounce in a cistern of water for example, providing the benefits of "gold water" to taht family from birth to grave?
You know looking at Tut's head-dress, and the symbols on it – especially the snake – it gets me thinking that we have never been free of the serpent Satan while we've been in this fleshly worldly form. Cast out of Eden. Which would make sense given that Q said that "never in mankind's history has this been attempted." Never means never. This is biblical. This is the point where EVERYTHING changes. What an honor to witness it. What an honor to help other patriots bring that freedom and victory to the world. God bless and protect all anons, patriots and warriors of light in the world and beyond.