<tellme a[bout] it fuck.[king] c<rye> bay.<bee>. <tell> me a[bout] the b[om].<bs> in yemen. tell me a[bout] the burning oil wells in nigera. <tell> me a[bout] y<our> puss<see>. now <tell> me a[bout] y<our> inner puss<see>. <tell> me again. now <tell> me I am pure.<fickt>. I w<ant> to [bee] a <sly>.[s] of pure.<fiction> carved from a god<less> [uni]<verse>. free sex. free drugs. free <in><doc><tri><nation>. let u fuck my wife on <vacate><ion>. no. i [sw]<ear, that b<itch> is a w<ho>.[reeee]. c<hang>.[e] the <seed>. p<rent> the corn. <chem><i><c><alls> in the [food]. fuck it. dump it n the <river>. <new><clear> <way>[st]. yucca mountain h[alf] lives. <modern> dae g[as] <chambers> four home<less> <s><c><hizo><phren<i><c> no<bodies>. put t[him] in the acid bath. hoo c<airs>. g<row> out your h<air>. t[hey] put in s[hit] in the <air>. <micro><waves>. <gamma>[waves]. new.tree.no piano, give me b|ack| my fuck.king shit u g<oat> [fuckers]. moor food. moor h[oms]. moor d.<rugs>. moor every.<thing>. give me moor. t<urn> up the mu[sick]. pump it th.[rough] y<our> veins. my wife is <whore>[knee] a.<gain>, want two run a t<rain>? | i am | a <liber><all> faggot n e weigh.