Interesting. My find via image search of flag at G_o resulted in an autofil with search terms 'border between france and spain' though I just searched ONLY with the flag image.
Results below but one result which I didn't save was for a Ford VIN number in another country - didn't translate it. Maybe someone's visit? DIggable but I've got to work now.
I did search just for the first part of the file name and results included Bitcoin search site where you pay a fee to find results (used before the e).
Fun fun.
Interesting…checking images before uploading and I find a file which I saw long ago via Qresearch. After I opened I recalled the image and flag at a historic type estate with the article. Usually my viewer does viewing in order of file sort…but this pulled up the other article I saved in Jan.
….curious. Must reboot.
2 files…results and old article I found…it has a flag, not the same, but a really cool one at an old castle near the end…