chad life nigga
if you interpret it through the lens of the nwo it makes a helluva lot of sense
we were the enemy
read moar would be my first suggestion
exercise an iq of over 100 would be my second
see where this is fucking going would be my third
but whatever, wave your flag and earn that head pat useful idiot, youre a good lil boy
>when you realize the shills are actual anons
>and the anons are actually shills
thats a weird day
weird day man
honestly are you yelling into a mirror?
are you even tagging the right poster at this point?
wtf are you even talking about
i hope she sees this bro is literally all i can say at this point
you have nothing but blind faith in someone who absolutely fucking hates you
its fucking sad, im not here for him, im here for people like you
i fucked up, hard, supporting this faggot Q
and im trying to rectify my error
it appears that my error is beyond rectification
its becoming painfully obvious who the actual shills on this board have been
how much does mil intel pay you?
they should pay less