The red pills are on the loose-my lady just caught one.
I've tried talking to the ladyanon, tried to red pill her many times about"the plan" but NO, shes so based, doesn't want to hear it - nothing out of the ordinary "no conspiracy" stuff.
So today she starts asking me about James France.
Says to me, "Hey have you heard anything about James Franco being a satanist?"
me, I'm like, "yes"…..booom open up a can of knowledge on her.
——lets back up—–what got her on this kick was, a week before the toilet paper started to disappear I told her to get food and groceries for the next month.
She freaked out, yelled at me, called me paranoid, asked to tell her absolute proofs of why she needs to go do that, she said i'm on the the "stupid message board too much." and i'm crazy.
Refused and fought to not go shopping, like an angry jewish woman does.
When the TP disappeared her whole attitude towards me change like 90*
Now she asked me respectfully if "I heard anything else lately."
She really starts to listen as i mention something irregular that's not part of her understanding or timeline.
This is great news lads.
Thank you to all the anons who helped me and made this possible!
This is a major sign that normies are going to be turning any moment, just like POTUS said, more united than ever before.