thanks time bandit
good to see you in the kitchen again
you old school and sheit
dude fuck off, you started it
i took a handoff from a baker who took a handoff during you QMAP potus retweet with which you whined about not getting a notable
1) we are not used to seeing QMAP anons dropping DJTs
2) its fucking annoying to see you bitch
3) when i saw your bitching i took the time to go to and the previous breads and trumptwitterarchive (which is now off by an hour since daylight savings time)
4) when dont always do the RTs and anons dont always drop the RTs
5) putting every DJT in the bake is practice for anons and bakers to get The Firsts - the anons who can grab and drop here first
your QMAP DJT RT was cryptic at best
and it was the baker before the baker before me
you deserved to get knocked off your high horse for your shitty post
and your shitty
benis typing style
dont fuck with me or my frens, Benis, youre out of shape., i'll kick your ass