My eyes need to get washed.
This picture is better.
According to some observers the Chinese were given the illness via the vaccines administered after they took the test (many asymptomatic)
Speaking of the King Georges of England while looking into Merkel's middle name "Dorothea."( Her full name at birth was highlighted by a "Q" com as part of questions as to her parentage - who she is.)
The "Dorothea" name among aristos go back far in Germany - into the mists of time.
But the real lead is the connection to the House of Hanover? Tons of Dorotheas all marrying their cousins.
Connection to George 1 and 2 - who were not English, They were Kings of England but not English. (Neither is Elizabeth 2 supposed - thought some say she is a puppet /impostor anyway?)
All the Hanovers are imbred, so if Merkel is related to Royals as many suspect Adolf was [The top families are aristos going back to the Roman Empire. And we're assuming the "Triangle gang" puts their own offspring in positions of power under false names?]
Shes' likely related to the original enemy of the usa colonies, George of England.