KYS bredshitter
don't let that shit stop you anon..just ignore it and focus on the bake. no matter what you do there is going to be bitching
Reference the CDAN drop on the 'Celebrity' CEO -think we have the answer
Elon Musk G650ER Private Jet (N628TS)
Elon Musk's Plane N628TS movement today-3/28
From Brownsville/South Padre Island Int'l
To Hawthorne Municipal Airport, Ca
Hawthorne, Ca to Brownsville, Tx- Cap#2
Brownsville, Tx to Hawthorne, Ca-reverse of Cap#2
Had a whirlwind trip from Orlando, FL to Brownsville, Tx to Hawthorne, Ca back to Brownsville, Tx-squeezed in a ground stop in Vegas on one of the western legs and then back to Orlando, FL