[g] <host>
[g] <one>
[g] <ore>
]g] <aim>
[g} <rave>
[g] <rate>
[g] <host>
[g] <one>
[g] <ore>
]g] <aim>
[g} <rave>
[g] <rate>
[g] <oat>
[g] <ave>
[g] <rain>
[g] <ray>
[g] <raft>
[g] <row>
[g] <utter>
[g] <raze>
[g] <all>
oat of [God] <goat>
old of [God] <gold
ore of [God] <gore>
rave of [God] <grave>
rain of [God] <grain>
ray of [God] <gray>
raft of [God] <graft>
row of [God] <grow>
utter of [God] <gutter>
host of [God] <ghost>
one of [God] <gone>
aim of [God] <game>
rate of [God] <great>
all of [God] <gall>
types of air
<bloom [loom of <baal>]
<gloom [loom of <God>]
<bone [one of <baal>]
<gone [one of <God>]
<ball [all of <baal>]
<gall [all of <God>]
<brain [rain of <baal>]
<grain [rain of <God>]
<boat [oat of <baal>]
<goat [oat of <God>]
no literal translation to god or baal. just playin'
the c.<ruemade the rue. the rue c.rue
did u c.<ryefor the c.<rue> that <dye>.d?
did u cry for the crew that died?
C = basket in hieroglyphics <gather>
did u <gatherthe rye for the <gathering> rue that <dyed> the [d]<inner>?
did u add flour to the rue and dye the [d]<inner>
D = action
Dinner = Inner <action>