A prevaricator because he refers to the Federal Reserve as an “agency” of which they are NOT, they’re a private corporation run by bankers…..for the benefit of bankers and unaudited, unrestrained and unchecked in their operations. Akin to the neighborhood shylock, they print worthless paper, call it money when it’s a debt, then charge the American public interest for simply being made to use it for legal tender. Pull out one of your bills of any denomination and look at the very top. It reads:
Note defined by the Free Dictionary:
a. A piece of paper currency.
b. A debt security, usually with a maturity of ten years or less.
c. A promissory note.
So in essence, what we all think is cash is exactly the opposite, a note, a promise to pay with interest. That interest is paid in the form of Federal income taxes. From the Grace Commission report issued on January 12, 1984 at the behest of then President Ronald Reagan:
“With two thirds of everyone’s personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which the taxpayers expect from their government.”
Yes, in essence, the Federal Reserve charges the American taxpayers interest on money we are required to use as legal tender, “money” that costs them nothing to produce. So, we get charged interest on “currency” we are REQUIRED to use by the Federal Reserve who pay nothing for the privilege of stealing from us all.
This is akin to paying forever on your car note or mortgage note because NONE of it goes to pay down the principal, instead providing a steady cash flow (interest) to the creditor, in this case the Federal Reserve. Perpetual debt to keep humanity enslaved and beholden to the closet controllers of the world who hide behind a fake “agency” that is neither Federal nor a reserve as Lord James so eloquently stated on February 16, 2012.
Economists, the theoreticians of the financial community, love to discuss, debate and dissect inflation and deflation in their endless reports and opinion pieces in a never ending quest to justify their existence. News flash, inflation is simply accumulated interest owed to the banksters that gets put on top of the cost of goods and services disguised as “the cost of living”. No morons, it’s the cost of interest, carried for decades and generations in a never ending cycle of wealth transfer from the real people in this world who WORK and contribute for a living rather than sit in their castles and collect their vig off the backs of the people.
What is produced when a banker earns interest from money he doesn’t own nor pay for?
Nothing….zip, nada and zilch.
It should be clearly understood that we are charged interest on currency we are REQUIRED to use, paid to banksters who neither own the money nor pay a fee for it. This is the biggest con job going. And as the master thief himself, Alan Greenspan said, in his own words, “There is no other agency in government that can overrule actions that we take”. Those actions include creating stock market crashes, raising and lowering interest rates without regard for economics but with an eye on THEIR bottom lines and the determining of who gets loans for projects and businesses and who does not. Think about those three items, they are the essence of the financial system, putting the people at their mercy which is not mercy at all but greed and avarice on a scale that is incomprehensible.