"this is extremly dangerous to our democracy" ………..lol…..dumby says what ….??
i'm pretty sure he doesnt….pretty sure potus doesnt either
jp morgan…missed his scheduled voyage….the next year the fed reserve was pushed thru
interresting fact……John Jacob Astor IV's body was recovered by the steamer CS Mackay-Bennett on April 22, not far from the sinking. Reports said his body was badly crushed and covered in soot but all who examined is body maintained that it was in perfect condition with no bruising
exactly….satans sanhedrin….fake jews..are the culprits and they not hebrews killed jesus…hebrews loved him
its about control….how do they control…with money..blackmail…death….who has all the money in nearly every nation…rothschilds….much much more than the reported 1 trillion..
its more about family courts, divorce and custody and gov intrusion….on the family and of men….its no bueno its cia since the 60's