I agree with pretty much e everything you said, up to the point where you said "We all deserve answers" "How about some answers and less repeats" "wheres the Q&A at".
We are at war. A biological weapon (virus) was unleashed on the world, as a weapon to a) kill people and b) kill the US economy. This is an actual war. For all we know, this virus may have been previously unleashed and has been laying dormant within us until such time that they chose to activate it.
And as much as I would love to understand every move and counter move going on right now, I know that it is not my place or my privilege to know these answers at this point in time, and possibly not ever. It's good to have questions. It's okay to feel unsatisfied. But it is dangerous and arrogant to expect answers in the midst of battle.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I should, and the wisdom to know the difference.