Guise, I have officially scared the shit out of myself…
"The government has entered into a secret treaty with an Alien Nation (the Greys) against the terms of the Constitution; in this treaty the government has given this Alien Nation land and bases within the borders of the United States; the government in this treaty has traded human lives and property for the alien technology and has denied the
citizens of the United States lawful protection under the terms of the Constitution; in the taking of human lives, property and livestock of the
citizens of the United States, the Alien Nation has proven to be the
mortal enemy of the people. Abductions, surgical operations,
implantations, biological sampling, impregnations, psychological
demons, and other horrors have been and are being performed upon
humans by this Alien Nation. For these reasons a state of war now
exists and has existed between the people of the United States and
this Alien Nation. In approving of and participating in the crimes
outlined in the above, the government is in violation of Article II section
2, Article III Section 3 and several other Articles of the Constitution, and
is guilty of and is hereby charged with murder and treason against
the people and Constitution of these United States of America."
Maybe I want that blue pill, idk