>it seems to me that the chlorine in the medicine
This is not how drugs/chemicals work.
Weird how only famous/rich/political people get this beer flu.
No one IRL actually gets it. Hospitals empty/normal. But mass fucking panic.
By pretending you're a dr. and making it up in a tweet.
By lying about it on MSM.
>I remember reading articles a while back about cadets that tested high were not accepted to the force.
Fire dept. as well.
Gotta have those minorities.
Just because a drug/chemical has a chlorine atom in it's structure doesn't mean it's "chlorine" or even converted to chlorine.
Get it?
>ChelseaHandler had, pants down, the best 45th birthday
No fucking way is that dried out old hag only 45 yrs. old.
Looks like a normal Monday to me.
>Like tele doc, going to the ER or hospital only when necessary.
They'd clear out in a heartbeat if illegals weren't here.
These CANNOT be hospitals they're building.
That was crazy! They're awake, which means their friends are too.
Thanks!!! I had issues with it. kek.
Here's blank for anyone who wants it.
Guarantee he was already dead/dying of something.
Offered payment from DNC to lie about fish tank cleaner.
Dude died from xyz.
Screams "Drumpf kills!!!"
Laughs all the way to bank.