confirma handoff
TYB, o7
repost it
>>8625453 Planefags
>>8625556, >>8625557, >>8625551, >>8625484, >>8625440, >>8625379, Other News
>>8625448, >>8625367, >>8625365, >>8625524, >>8625370, Coronavirus minibun
>>8625354 EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer
>>8625375 Arrest warrant issued for Tampa megachurch pastor who led packed services despite safer-at-home orders
>>8625387 Rep. Nydia Velazquez I have been diagnosed with "presumed{ coronavirus infection.
>>8625394 Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus
>>8625421 CROWDS gather to watch 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort arrive in Manhattan
>>8625434 Trump says 5G tech will be 'primary driver' of economy but warns of 'malicious actors'
>>8625477 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT
>>8625487 Pope Benedict ‘plotting downfall of Pope Francis’ in bombshell Vatican coup
>>8625571 Article on Debbie Birx - eyes on. She’s a colonel rank and was trained by DOD
>>8625453 Planefags
>>8625556, >>8625557, >>8625551, >>8625484, >>8625440, >>8625379, >>8625626, >>8625669, >>8625375, Other News
>>8625448, >>8625367, >>8625365, >>8625524, >>8625370, >>8625703, Coronavirus minibun
>>8625354 EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer
>>8625387 Rep. Nydia Velazquez I have been diagnosed with "presumed{ coronavirus infection.
>>8625394 Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus
>>8625421 CROWDS gather to watch 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort arrive in Manhattan
>>8625434 Trump says 5G tech will be 'primary driver' of economy but warns of 'malicious actors'
>>8625477 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT
>>8625487, >>8625635, Pope Benedict ‘plotting downfall of Pope Francis’ in bombshell Vatican coup
>>8625571 Article on Debbie Birx - She’s a colonel rank and was trained by DOD
>>8625665 Broward getting shipment of CQ from Isreal
>>8625706 Dem lawmakers demand government stop deporting unaccompanied children
No freedom of assembly means no protesting if the governor signs more bullshit EO's, this is a pretext to make it illegal to protest Gun confiscations
>>8625453 Planefags
>>8625556, >>8625557, >>8625551, >>8625484, >>8625440, >>8625379, >>8625626, >>8625669, >>8625375, Other News
>>8625448, >>8625367, >>8625365, >>8625524, >>8625370, >>8625703, Coronavirus minibun
>>8625354 EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer
>>8625387 Rep. Nydia Velazquez I have been diagnosed with "presumed{ coronavirus infection.
>>8625394 Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus
>>8625421 CROWDS gather to watch 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort arrive in Manhattan
>>8625434 Trump says 5G tech will be 'primary driver' of economy but warns of 'malicious actors'
>>8625477 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT
>>8625487, >>8625635, Pope Benedict ‘plotting downfall of Pope Francis’ in bombshell Vatican coup
>>8625571 Article on Debbie Birx - She’s a colonel rank and was trained by DOD
>>8625665 Broward getting shipment of CQ from Isreal
>>8625706 Dem lawmakers demand government stop deporting unaccompanied children
>>8625813 The Space Force announced operational capability of its new radar technology
>>8625719 Moar on SMART
>>8625453, >>8625964, Planefags
>>8625556, >>8625557, >>8625551, >>8625484, >>8625440, >>8625379, >>8625626, >>8625669, >>8625375, Other News
>>8625448, >>8625367, >>8625365, >>8625524, >>8625370, >>8625703, >>8625969, Coronavirus minibun
>>8625354 EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer
>>8625387 Rep. Nydia Velazquez I have been diagnosed with "presumed{ coronavirus infection.
>>8625394 Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus
>>8625421 CROWDS gather to watch 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort arrive in Manhattan
>>8625434 Trump says 5G tech will be 'primary driver' of economy but warns of 'malicious actors'
>>8625477 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT
>>8625487, >>8625635, Pope Benedict ‘plotting downfall of Pope Francis’ in bombshell Vatican coup
>>8625571 Article on Debbie Birx - She’s a colonel rank and was trained by DOD
>>8625665 Broward getting shipment of CQ from Isreal
>>8625706 Dem lawmakers demand government stop deporting unaccompanied children
>>8625813 The Space Force announced operational capability of its new radar technology
>>8625719 Moar on SMART
>>8625871 #FilmYourHospital is huge succes around the globe
>>8625877 Oil drops more than 6% to 18-year low as global demand evaporates
>>8625880 I ran into Mike Lindell in front of the West Wing. He said his factory will be cranking out 50k masks/day by Friday.
>>8625453, >>8625964, >>8626007, Planefags
>>8625556, >>8625557, >>8625551, >>8625484, >>8625440, >>8625379, >>8625626, >>8625669, >>8625375, Other News
>>8625448, >>8625367, >>8625365, >>8625524, >>8625370, >>8625703, >>8625969, Coronavirus minibun
>>8625354 EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer
>>8625387 Rep. Nydia Velazquez I have been diagnosed with "presumed{ coronavirus infection.
>>8625394 Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus
>>8625421 CROWDS gather to watch 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort arrive in Manhattan
>>8625434 Trump says 5G tech will be 'primary driver' of economy but warns of 'malicious actors'
>>8625477 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT
>>8625487, >>8625635, Pope Benedict ‘plotting downfall of Pope Francis’ in bombshell Vatican coup
>>8625571 Article on Debbie Birx - She’s a colonel rank and was trained by DOD
>>8625665 Broward getting shipment of CQ from Isreal
>>8625706 Dem lawmakers demand government stop deporting unaccompanied children
>>8625813 The Space Force announced operational capability of its new radar technology
>>8625719 Moar on SMART
>>8625871 #FilmYourHospital is huge succes around the globe
>>8625877 Oil drops more than 6% to 18-year low as global demand evaporates
>>8625880 I ran into Mike Lindell in front of the West Wing. He said his factory will be cranking out 50k masks/day by Friday.
>>8626032 New York City lawyer known as 'patient zero' in New Rochelle coronavirus cluster has left hospital