(Many times…):
"When do you play the TRUMP CARD?
On a holiday at home - something I haven't had since a two-week trip in 2012 - and enjoying the free time!
No Fear! No Fear Porn! Definitely no garbage media and that gives more time for diggz!
The below is from Dummies.com and I chose this because there are - to myself anyway - some obvious parallels to what has been and is habbening. I'm sure I don't need to point them out as they seem obvious. The capitalization is of course added.
For me, the answer to Q's question, and clarified by the "for dummies" explanation, is: You play the TRUMP CARD whenever you fucking want! Your 2 of TRUMPS beats all of the opponents Aces - they lose…YOU WIN, GOD WINS, AMERICANS WIN, THE WORLD WINS when the TRUMP CARD is played…especially if the TRUMP CARD is played while actually wearing…a Trump Suit!
The Basics of TRUMP SUITS in Bridge
In bridge, the bidding often designates a suit as the TRUMP SUIT. If the final contract has a suit associated with it — 4♠, 3♥, 2♦, or even 1♣, for example — that suit becomes the TRUMP SUIT for the entire hand.
When a suit becomes the TRUMP SUIT, ANY card in that TRUMP SUIT potentially has SPECIAL POWERS; any card in the TRUMP SUIT can win a trick over any card of another suit. For example, suppose that spades is the TRUMP SUIT and West leads with the ♥A. You can still win the trick with the ♠2 if you have no hearts in your hand.
Because TRUMP SUITS have so much power, naturally everyone at the table wants to have a say in determining the TRUMP SUIT. Because bridge is a partnership game, your partnership determines which suit is the best TRUMP SUIT for your side or whether there shouldn’t be a TRUMP SUIT at all.
Finding out when TRUMPING saves the day:
You can easily see the advantage of playing with a TRUMP SUIT. When the bidding designates a TRUMP SUIT, you may well be in a position to neutralize your opponents’ long, strong suits quite easily. After either you or your partner is void (has no cards left) in the suit that your opponents lead, you can play any of your cards in the TRUMP SUIT and take the trick. This little maneuver is called TRUMPING YOUR OPPONENTS TRICK (which your opponents really hate). Your lowly deuce of TRUMPS beats even an ace in another suit.
In contrast, if you play a hand at a NOTRUMP contract, the highest card played in the suit led always takes the trick. If an opponent with the lead has a suit headed by all winning cards, that opponent can wind up killing you by playing all those winning cards — be it four, five, six, or seven — taking one trick after another as you watch helplessly. SUCH IS THE BEAUTY AND THE HORROR OF PLAYING A HAND AT NOTRUMP.
You see the beauty when your side is peeling off the tricks; you experience the horror when your opponents start peeling them off one by one — sometimes slowly, to torture you.
This hand shows you the power of playing in a TRUMP SUIT; the power of TRUMP and the dangers of NO-TRUMP!