repost from late last thread.
I wrote that. When I posted it at night a while ago, it was requested to repost at various times so more people could see it. I posted it a few threads ago, with a nice response. Apparently rainfaggot liked it, too and is now using it to beat up on the baker(s) for not making it notable. It goes without saying (but I'm going to anyway) he is an insufferable faggot of the extreme order who deserves to always be ignored (I usually do but feel the need to explain myself).
I did not post it 10 threads ago, I don't think, maybe someone else did. I don't ask for it to be notable, I just put it out there for people to read, think about, discuss or disregard.
Fuck rainman.
Bakers, stay true and do what you want. This anons supports bakers. Posting that today was not meant to turn into some stupid notable drama.