Waiting for more kabooms
>How many years after the expire date are can goods still okay to keep.
I ate a can of kippered herring that sat in the cab of a truck for ten years. Seemed a little dry, but that was it.
The main worry for expired cans is degradation of the BPA lining, but if you're hungry enough, the BPA won't be your biggest worry.
POTUS keeps his water covered to prevent poisoning. Pic could indicate continuing threats.
>The man who ran the 2000 census for the Clinton administration predicted Friday that more than 24 million people may refuse to take part in the 2020 count now that the survey is going to ask about citizenship status.
https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/mar/30/24m-could-skip-census-because-citizenship-question/