Anonymous ID: 7ebcfd March 30, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.8629808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stream of Consciousness Time



Working hypothesis (ongoing and open to discussion)



"But This Isn't The Virus That We Ordered! "


The CoViD19 pandemic is a very long planned, meticulously planned and staged "event" by a secretive and allusive evil known as the DeepState Cabal, designed to:


a) Remove the ever growing and expansionist Chinese nation/regime and economy from the geopolitical chessboard, ensuring the Western-based DeepState Cabal control over all global resources in the future without serious competition.


b) Function as a global deoopulation event, culling a significant proportion of the global population and therefore protecting the wealth, remaining global resources and prosperity for the DeepState elite for centuries to come.


c) Act as an event which would justify the introduction of new forms of authoritarian control and surveillance on a global scale by police and military in the form of lockdowns and quarantines of populations, areas and groups, in particular those populations and groups who should display anti authoritarian or anti government sentiments.


d) Function as the precursor to a mandatory global vaccination program which could be used to further tighten authoritarian control in the future by requiring valid vaccination certificates or implanted chips in order to travel freely, have access to state education, higher education, employment and other services. A mandatory vaccination program would also allow DeepState governments to surreptitiously introduce chemicals, drugs, further diseases and gene/genome altering substances into vaccines which could affect/alter the health and development of children and adults, alter fertility rates, or alter natural biological gender assignment.


and finally

e) Serve as the decisive, striking and debilitating blow to the long anticipated and prophesized "Great Awakening" counter movement led by President Donald Trump, Q, White Hats, loyal elements within in military and intelligence agencies, Digital Soldiers and Anons.


The problem for the DeepState cabal is that this event has gone horribly wrong for them, and like an enormous boomerang has come/is coming round to hit them squarely in the ass., as we shall discuss further in this discussion. ….. ( to be con't)