Google Dragon + Microwave weapons = what we saw in Iran/China/Italy… covered up by a really virulent virus.
I believe it was a planned release that spreads rapidly but doesn't have a high kill rate. Viruses (ebola) with high kill rate tend to burn out really fast.
So combine rapidly spreading kinda-bad virus with directed energy weapons (you have 5g tracking and they all have cellphones on them) and bye bye dissidents.
I say this because of looking at locations of bodies. Most i saw in the streets didn't look like flu deaths. It looked like "oh this guy sitting on the bench fell over dead." I know i don't go out and walk around town and sit on benches with the superflu, I'm in the fucking bed.
We took out Huawai(sp whtevs) infrastructure and probably controlling satelites so they werent able to kill us while the virus was spreading here….
the media didn't get that message though so they psyop has continued but without all the bodies. I.E. they are FUCKED.
I was talking about Red October today to coworker and he was all "man everyone is talking about this… my dad was just mentioning how the boat circling outside of VA Beach reminded him of the maneuver in the movie…"
yup. normies. gotta love em.
I can't attest to the sats… What i CAN say is I've seen the Huawei equipment still hanging in bags from East Coast USA cell towers. They never got the goahead to install them… but believe me they were ready the fuck to go.
wwg1wga :)
I can phone a guy. One of the cell sites I know of is adjacent to his property and the guy hates the company. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to if i can get hold of him AND he has a zoom lens .
No prob, Bob! Got nothing better to do.
You use the worthless junk to relay a signal to "turn things on." Old junk usually works the best anyway. Nobody makes viruses for windows 3.1 anymore.
"Frequency bands" were said to have been taken over. We were already told that the old spy sats were being used as backchannel comms… and probably other shit.
Either way it's gonna make for a kickass movie ending.
In Britain there was a video going around of this lady filming right after she saw this homeless guy escorted out of her building by police. She said she'd been feeding him (like a stray? lol anyway).
So the story went, within 10 mintus these cats in biohazard suits show up to put a notice up about a dead homeless guy wiht covid19 in the building for nobody to leave. Shitstorm insues.
Source: twatter somewhere
If they are Medicis or something I'm gonna be super pissed. I consider them an old family arch-nemesis :P
oh man. I almsot missed this. glad a.f. i scrolled back.
Vry nice info, TY anon. Glad my time in DC was short.
Aha. The "truth" being take this fucking shot it will heal you, k, promise!
Who you think lives in the NewportNews/Tidewater area in VA? Operators, thats who!