Her left eye is fucked, she playing it up for claiming future strokeout.
Kek, I 'member that!
He'd be moar fun if he's have a few like Lynn D'Rothschild and NancyPants
I sthat Maggie Haberman, sad Tunnel Dweller?
sum ting wong
That guy, Tedros, is a faggot supreme
>The plan by World Health Organization (WHO) director-general (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) to appoint Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador has backfired and been rescinded after an international outcry.
POTUS knows.
Remember when Q pointed us to the SuperStringGenius dude interviewed by the lady who got doorknobbed after, anyway, he told us about the stargates and yellowcube 'n'n shit?
Blew my herkin brains out.
They know, Qteam.
The vile ones were angry because they couldn't save their timeline, the TRUMP timeline stayed, and there was a bottleneck in Dec. 2012. No one could see after that.
But Nancy Pelosi still talks about Temple Markers and marking time, impeachmnent for life.
So I think (((they're))) still trying to enable their timeline.
But they won't win.
We will win. It is known and it will be Biblical.
This is war, POTUS said it himself.
Casualties abound, Anon.
Look at the suffering we've all seen.
Grinding it all down to a halt takes time.
But there will always be evil here, it is in us.
Q reminded us of that as well.
We need always be vigilant.
I love my based Gov.:
Today I issued an Executive Order preventing the@release of dangerous criminals from prisons & jails.
We want to prevent the spread of #COVID19 among prison staff & inmates.
But, releasing dangerous criminals in the streets is not the solution.