Anonymous ID: 33e27a March 30, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.8631577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1596 >>1608 >>1619 >>1630 >>1634 >>1643 >>1651 >>1654 >>1656 >>1659 >>1680 >>1685 >>1697 >>1726 >>1741 >>1758 >>1800 >>1811 >>1843 >>1855 >>1858 >>1871 >>1900 >>1966 >>2042 >>2060 >>2110 >>2219

Preemptively sorry for blogposting.


I made a realization today. I have a tendency to be introspective, self-observation is something I routinely do. As I lay awake at 4am of my timezone, I realized that I have changed, and the change is so complete that I cannot believe it.


Watching the Plan unfold, watching the very real changes that were promised and are now being fulfilled - both those obvious election ones, as well as those we have hoped for for so long - transformed me as a person. Four years ago I was a miserable, depressed, sickly and passive person. I was at the point in my life where I was seriously considering suicide just to escape this… this cage around me that I couldn't see nor name. I wasted away in front of the computer screen, both in my dead-end job and outside of work. I visited 8chan at the time. That's how I stumbled upon my first Q thread. They weren't even proper breads back then, someone just started a thread with screencaps from halfchan. And then, from a lack of a better word, I felt that the posts were true. It wasn't even a rational thought, I just felt that this fit with what I knew of the world up to that point. So I started following Q threads, reading them passively.


And then, I never stopped. I got a (you) from Q way back on 4chan, back when we were guessing about "where the bodies are buried" (I was told to expand my thinking back then. It took me awhile, but). Posted once or twice with motivational posts that even got enough traction to get on Twitter back when our presence there was tiny ( ), since that (and a minor script in the early days for jumping Twitter censorship) were the only things I could contribute. I cannot dig, I cannot make connections easily, I am atrocious at math or anything that requires precision, really. I was swayed back when the BO of /cbts/ was having a row with Q over his tripcode and a drop which he called fake. I was a fool, back then, but - the first absolutely magnificent change in my person - I was able to admit it to myself and other posters, being completely honest with it.


In my shame, I stopped participating, but still lurked. With each new bit of information, I observed changes in me - in my beliefs, in what I considered "knowledge", finally in my character. Because of the work of many, many anons, I was able to see where exactly my thinking was flawed and/or "overridden" by dogma. With all of this came a sense of… inner calm, I guess. For the first time in my 36yo life, I truly felt peaceful. I was not anxious, nor scared - feelings that plagued me since childhood. And I still am. In fact, I'm enjoying the show so much, it's incredible.


Now that everything is accelerating and the Cabal is using up their last reserves of ammo, as I see people both around me and in general slowly waking up to the fact that the media has been lying to them the entire time, as I can smell how ripe the situation is, I understood the genius of the PLan, and the amazing effect it has on spirituality. The third and greatest change I noticed in myself is, then: The restoration of Values. Putting in front of my eyes how many good people there are around the world, seeing us all unite and support each other no matter the nation, race or financial status, all of this made me realize that Values Still Hold True and Have Meaning. I thought all this time that they are relics now in an unforgiving, cold world of man-eat-man - how wrong I was. How stupid I was to close myself off from the world, when the world is not how it was presented to me throughout childhood and young adulthood.


It was them. It was always them. Every failure of democracy, every failure of The System, courts, policemen, financial, medical, corporate and so on. endlessly - I thought these failures, these entirely obvious lapses in ethics and morals were inevitable. How wrong I was, how blinded I was by the fake message the entire world has been tuned to broadcasst in their name, when reality was entirely different!


And so, my personal journey continues, as Q and the Great Awakening reinforce long-forgotten and buried ideals that I abandoned because I couldn't bear to carry them in their world. They made the act of doing the right thing painful to the point of breaking. In my country, people say that "It is impossible to live here and NOT cheat somehow". This is changing, before my very eyes, for which I am grateful.


Thank you, Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, US Military. Thank you, white hats. Thank you, anons. Thank you, BO and mods. Thank you, humanity, for showing me once and for all that there is hope yet for man.


Za wolność naszą i waszą,
