This is what is happening in the world right now, in a way. Great show, and should be a staple of civics courses.
This is what is happening in the world right now, in a way. Great show, and should be a staple of civics courses.
They will fund the military PDQ when they realize they have the option of maybe weaseling out of death in a military tribunal behind a wall with guns…
Or going to their easily locatable personal residence surrounded by people with more guns than they can hold. With a rent a cop at their gate.
And that is before stuff like Yugoslavia hits the fan… Where we literally committed the greatest murder frame in history with a completely complicit media that deliberately altered photos and suppressed alternative reports. Even the pussy-hats will stand aghast at the betrayal by what their leaders did there… And continued right up into parts of Trump's presidency with Syria and attempt with North Korea.
When you get into just how deep the delusion goes… There is almost no end. This isn't as nice as 'there was never a war…'. There was a war. It was entirely framed to paint a nation as guilty heinous crimes it had perpetrated against it… And was then destroyed and incorporated into the cabal for defending itself.
Not being pissed at the droves of cynical libs who enable this is incredibly difficult. They have laughed and danced while their lords slayed and raped the innocent…. What has to be choked back and swallowed for the sake of peace… Hopefully future generations can be born with an academic understanding of it, and will find it much easier to forgive and get along.
Considering people like me would have already started making government officials disappear if it weren't for Q?
I look at it more like Q is giving me a damn near free lunch and new lease on life.
I was always leery of the left. Bunch of fucking communists who have to force everyone else into their commune. I always knew there was a deep rooted plot against the U.S. in the media.
So, when we started pulling out of Iraq too early - I saw it as a combination of incompetence and planning to fail by a few. I, and many of us who were around those parts, saw ISIS as inevitable and were swiftly vindicated. By the time we were "accidentally" dropping supplies to ISIS and attempting to dictate to people what Islam actually was supposed to be… That is when I knew it was worse than I first evaluated.
What shocked me as I dug on the Muslim Brotherhood was how … Blatant… It all was. Operation Cyclone, Brzezinski, Clinton… No fucks given that I could paint a clear-as-day picture that there were traitors in Vienna.
… And how few people actually cared enough about what our soldiers were being tasked to… To care what blood we stained our flag with… Not that the world is a place of rainbows and unicorns that would be happy go lucky if the military went away… But almost all of the major conflicts in these shithole countries were made possible because we directly and indirectly funded them and provided them with training or operational support.
That is fucking amazing…
Side by side with Q on false flags this week and these people are stupid.