And guess who will get them blame.
Does not apply to vessels within a country's coastal water ways.
True, but only because they are military.
You misunderstood what I was getting at…the vessel is USN.
Hence, gun stores are essential stores.
>it is a medical ship.
>and anybody claiming else w/o any sauce is pushing disinfo imo.
Are you really so stupid that you don't know what the USNS is?
United States Navy Ship
Yup, go to the store and get killed by a virus because you wanted a headbuzz…fuck that shit.
Didn't hear YOUR generation raising any warning flags.
Fuck off with your divisionfagging.
Nevermind the fact that we are in a NATIONAL EMERGENCY…you seem to forget during a national emergency freedoms can be restricted for the good of the nation.
It's people like yourself that keeps shit going and growing.
Do the country a favor and KYS.
You can tell this board is full of brainless shit-shills…they have NO FUCKING COMMON SENSE WHAT SO EVER!
They keep acting butt hurt because they aren't allowed to do something…reminds me of the Participation Trophy generation.
‘Most hated man’ in DC defends coronavirus bill move: 'I was just standing up for the Constitution'
People are going to wish he had been more successful in his push for a recorded vote before too much longer.
New Yorkers baffled over ‘unsettling’ Empire State Building siren display
I guess you haven't read what all was in that bill they passed.
Another butt-hurt Participation Trophy gen'er.
hTTPTracker is you're friend.