On target, anon.
Correct. Latin america is a major source of human trafficking.
(((multiculturalism))) will do this to you.
Make sure to keep hammering home everything 24/7, and do not forget - we WILL see push backs more and more like that bitch hogg (as Q said, [test] case).
We DO have active (((enemy combatants))) trolling this board, trying to distract, derail, subvert, etc.
The fuck you on about, spic?
No body needed foreigners to actively go in there. Existing tensions and retards did fine jobs of fucking themselves over.
Always victimizing your women.
Stay on target. Waking up won't be for everyone, especially shithead cunts who blame everyone else but themselves.
So when the fuck was the last time US military marched into venezuela?
Enough shifting blame. Clean up your own house and cooperate instead of acting like a ms-13 sympathizer.
White folks are doing fine picking out their own mess and identifying (((enemies))). You are collaborating with the ((cabal)) at this point.
Good post, anon. Q crumbs from back in nov listed off ALL the (((roth)) owned banks, latvian being one of them.
For newfags, Q crumbs (ALL) in searchable format:
https:// qanon.pub/
delete the spacing between / and q.
Remember to break the link up if you post one.
Search into it, DIG DIG DIG.
Keep blaming white folks and keep talking shit.
Best buckle up and learn to spot the (((enemy))). Each nation does a fine job fucking themselves over while blaming everything else but themselves.
(((enemy))) knows your weakness, and exploit your excuses to full extent while robbing you blind, pimping out your 'spicy latina' all over the world, and making mockery of the dignity of your people.
While you stay here and bitch about white folks.
We are Not:
Homophobes etc.
FUCK THIS CUCKERY. ENOUGH of this (((subversive))) bullshit.
You 'disavow' NOTHING which is LEGITIMATE.
By 'disavowing' you give (((them))) a weapon to use against you.
We do what WE want, what WE NEED, at OUR PLEASURE.
We do NOT dance to THEIR 'definitions'.
Those cholos and useful idiots sure ain't holding back gangraping your sista ass to other races, with no encouragement from anyone else required.
(((useful idiots))) willfully take money, EAGERLY participate in crimes against their own people.
While you come here, contributing little to nothing, and bitch and moan about others.
Get the picture?
Your own weakness must be purged, even if you are a woman.
This is not a game.
Go be a nigger in africa and fix your own shit, (((bitch))).
No one gives a shit about what ((cabal)) lackeys like you have to say in regards to other nations while mooching off of other's coffers.
Now we got (((spics))) and (((niggers))) doing typical blame anyone but themselves and kikes, while evading responsibility.
YOUR KIND are acting EXACTLY in accordance with ((cabal)) agenda in your behavior, pattern of speech, and attitude.
You belong shot and dead in a gutter. TRUE minority Patriots know where the real problem lies, boi.
Go and learn your place before getting uppity with us, (((nigger bitch))).
We are getting the bottom of the barrel millenial level faggot normies now.
New (((shill))) tactic:
Impersonate and/or recruit dumbass shitskin millenial criminally inclined entitled hogg-level retards to come into these boards and provoke/subvert anons using muh raciism angle muh ebil white folks bullshit.
/ourguys/ are watching.
We are done with these (((bitches))).
By the time this is over, we will see where these trash gen (((whores))) lie for good.
Baker alert: cuck on board trying to spread cuckery left and right.
(((shill))) probability high.
See here:
and here: