is this why nobody is allowed to explore antartica…
the Antarctic treaty – which reserves an entire continent for peace and science.
they even throw it in our face
to me FE vs globe earth has everything to do with Q / deep state / NWO / illumanati…….its the greatest mind fuck ever….before the creation of the illumanati there was no globe earth acceptance
nobody is allowed to explore antartica….uhm why
secret societies are no bueno…not needed..i have a brain to contemplate and eyes to see ears to hear..
masonary is crap…beware dont go there or get out of it
i repented of my fraternity / free masonry long ago son
must be photo shopped
indeed i am…i have no doubt
targeted for invasion of course and by whom you may ask
looks like general kellys curved pinky…coincedence?
of course they print worthless paper money at our expense and buy up all the real gold for themselves….
there is a time for everything under the sun
ft knox is empty i know that for a fact
i believe most all rothchild gold is stored in china
injury looks like ya
could be an injury on purpose…for a special group etc
or maybe assanged was signaling kelly……..sauce ???
agreed and they print worthless paper money and buy up all the valuable gold
podesta ??? i just said assange and kelly
asssange signaling podesta takedown by kelly ?? possibility
the boards hot tonight expect action