Perhaps it has something to do with the satellites the white hats finished launching last week with the first space force mission??
Covid 19 is neither a virus, nor is it DNA.
Covid 19 is the result of the activation of smart dust within the lungs. The big cities where this disease (some would call it poisoning) is occurring are full of 5g, particularly China. (Huawei is who has been used to install the 5g networks here in the states, which is why the President has been so fervently after them to gtfo.) That is why the outbreak there was so bad, because everyone is required to have an up to date cell phone. I could be mistaken, but those cell phones are all running 5g (in my assumption). Now, the hypothesis suggests that the 5g has an effect on the smart dust that we have been breathing in, which came from con trails from planes. What we’re seeing here is the culmination of decades of planning and poisoning. This may seem outlandish, but consider the following:
This is why it is concentrated in big cities.
This is why masks don’t prevent people from getting sick.
This is why people can get it again once they’re cured.
This is why there is permanent lung damage after being cured.
This is why the hyrdoxychloroquine / azithromycin combination works. VIRUSES ARE NOT EFFECTED BY MOST MEDICATIONS. If it were truly a virus, only antivirals would be effective.
Recently the space force launched satellite(s) in to orbit. I believe the purpose of these satellites is to shut down 5g networks “to slow the spread.” In a sense, kill the internet for ten days. This is why Q told us there would be 10 days of darkness. It’s because they’re going to use these satellites to effect the 5g and shut it down / destroy it, stopping the pandemic. It makes perfect sense.