Anonymous ID: 0e29c5 March 31, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.8636054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Picture talk. You will not see arrests in the political or news media until AFTER the 2020 election. Why? 3 reasons. 1)Optics 2) Optics 3) Optics. As bad as we want to see HRC, Podestas etc in chains we MUST wait until Trump wins 2020. Any arrests before then opens the door to a "dictator" narrative. That narrative WILL lead to fighting in the streets.


There is good news though!! PedoWood does not share in the protection that the news media and politicians have in the "Trump is a dictator" narrative. Millions of normies vote with forrest gump. Pedowood CAN and IS going down now. This is a huge political lose for them. Normies will either flip or sit out in November after PedoWood breaks. Then, in November, Trump wins in a MASSIVE landslide election.


Sometimes a date IS just a date. 11.4 is 11.4.2020


We are winning bigly but our fight is not done. Finish off PedoWood and continue to help MSM destroy itself by pointing out the lies. Trump will win by the largest margin ever seen is this country and his mandate to finish draining the swamp will be undeniable to every normie in the country.