Anonymous ID: a23244 March 31, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.8635571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5618 >>5638 >>5653 >>5857 >>5952 >>6017 >>6077

'THREAD: President @realDonaldTrump took decisive action from the beginning to protect Americans from the Chinese coronavirus.


While Democrats & the media were obsessed with impeachment, President Trump was focused on Americans' health.


Check out the timeline:'

Anonymous ID: a23244 March 31, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8635772   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'It’s been nearly 40 years since Mother Teresa was conferred India‘s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna (Jewel of India), but there are growing calls for the accolade to be rescinded.


Last week, Indian authorities said they busted a baby-trafficking racket in a shelter run by the Missionaries of Charity, the religious order set up by the late Albanian-Indian missionary in 1950.


Child welfare authorities said a nun and one other person linked to the charity were selling babies to childless couples for between $550 and $1,450.


It’s the latest in a litany of scandals that have largely simmered beneath the surface for decades, but now threaten to explode in full view, with high-profile figures linked to India’s ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leading the charge to revisit Mother Teresa’s legacy.


On Thursday, Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP MP, said Mother Teresa’s Bharat Ratna award should be rescinded if the Missionaries of Charity group is found guilty.


“I 100-per-cent support it,” Swamy told India Today when asked if he was in favour of rescinding the honour posthumously if the allegations are proven true.


Swamy said his stance wasn’t merely influenced by the baby-trafficking scandal, saying he saw it as the last straw in a long line of criticisms levelled at Mother Teresa over many years.


He cited her loyalty to the late American financier Charles Keating, who was convicted of swindling millions of dollars from small investors in the 1980s — Teresa’s charity benefited greatly from Keating’s donations, and she even wrote to a California Superior Court judge seeking clemency for Keating on account of his being “kind and generous to God’s poor,” according to a letter published by Christopher Hitchens in his book, “The Missionary Position.”


Keating was sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison, but only served a third of the sentence before his conviction was overturned on a technicality. He died in 2014, two years before the Catholic Church pronounced Mother Teresa a saint. …'

Anonymous ID: a23244 March 31, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.8636133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'When the Horowitz Report came out, James Comey said that those who attacked the FBI on #FISA "should admit they were wrong."


The only thing we were wrong about was FISA abuse was even worse than we thought!


In fact, the FBI failed over 92% of the time.'

Anonymous ID: a23244 March 31, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.8636150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General has a “lack of confidence” in the FBI’s procedures to validate information used to obtain spy warrants on American citizens, the watchdog said in a report released Tuesday.


The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found errors in all 29 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications that were subject to the review.


The audit is a follow-up to an investigation of the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page, the former Trump campaign aide.


A report of that investigation blasted the FBI for making dozens of errors and omissions in four applications the bureau submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). The findings prompted the Justice Department to retract two of the warrants because they were based on faulty information.


The OIG review released Tuesday suggests that the FBI’s problems are widespread.


“As a result of our audit work to date and as described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the OIG said in a memo to FBI Director Christopher Wray.


As part of the review, the OIG reviewed documents known as Woods Files for 29 applications filed from between October 2014 and September 2019


FBI agents and officials are supposed to provide proof in the Woods Files for every factual statement made in applications submitted to the FISA Court in order to show that the applications are “scrupulously accurate.”


The OIG investigation of the Carter Page FISA applications found numerous errors with the Woods Files used in that investigation. The OIG report, released Dec. 9, 2019, found that FBI agents working the case failed to validate information from the infamous Steele dossier.


According to the latest audit, OIG investigators were unable to locate four Woods Files for the 29 FISA applications, suggesting that FBI agents never filled them out.


The OIG audit also identified “apparent errors or inadequately support facts” in the 25 applications that were available for review.


The audit also found that the FBI and Justice Department’s National Security Division did not conduct appropriate oversight of FISA procedures.


The OIG did not assess whether the errors were material, or that they would have changed the FBI’s decision to file the applications, or the FISA Court’s decision to grant them.


The audit does not provide specific information about the applications that were reviewed.


An OIG report released Dec. 9, 2019, found that the FBI made at least 17 significant errors and omissions in the final Carter Page FISA application. The Justice Department deemed the final two Page FISAs to be invalid because of all of the errors.'