>>8633466 PB
>I assume Gen Flynn’ s brother, Jack would know but the thought that Chinese were/are incinerating people while still Alive is beyond horrific, if true.
It may not be Jack Flynn, but, back when @isChinar was still on twitter, for two months my better half and I watched 10 second clips from Chinese people on the ground, that they were able to get through that information wall.
For two months, 50 or so vids a night.
And we came to the conclusion that they were literally burning people alive.
Protests going on in every city, as told by son's good friend in China, also on the ground.
What they were protesting turned out to be the building of large scale incinerators. The people got scared. They do not trust their government.
Later through my sons Chinese friend:
Police were given bonuses to throw certain phone tracked people off of buildings, or beat them with clubs.
The police had to film what they were doing, and turn it in to the government for their bonus check.
So yes.
China is Communist.
The people have no guns, no way to fight back.
No second amendment.
They were literally being dragged out of their showers naked, a few of them.
The Chinese piled coal 8 feet high up against the apartment tower doors to lock residents in.
Farmers could not feed farms, so dead ducks and rabbits everywhere. People starving, would try to climb down the outside of balconies from their high rises, and we watched one fall to his death.
Fires started in the bottom of too many apartment high rises. We suspected the residents decided to burn their way out to get food.
Horrific does not cover it.
Communism never changes.
Communism needs to be NOT a trading partner with ANYONE, so it can go back to being the third world asshole government that it is and quit leaching off of free nations, just so the middle man can make a buck at the expense of the slaves.
Slavery (INCLUDING OFFICIAL LYNCHING) moved from the west, to the east.
Notice Pic Related is a shot I saved from @ischinar. It is one of the 10 second clips.
Some of the arrested people were being used as literal slaves here. They are digging a place to put "things" under the cement?
If we ever get to look for mass graves, make sure to look under the cement.
All of the Chinese people are slaves to the rest of the world. We do not recognize slavery when we see it anymore.
We do not recognize genocide when it is staring us in the face