Anon will likely be skewered for this, but it needs to be discussed. In America, freedom of religion is important. It's obvious that we're messing with an ancient religion here. Are American laws strong enough to interfere with their practices of rape, torture, and human and animal sacrifice? Will they be able to argue freedom of religion when prosecuted?
Also, it's not lost on anon that the Satanic big holiday overlaps Passover which overlaps the Christian Easter. (Images support.) Was passover a notice that "Hey. We practice your sacrifice too! See we have blood on our doorways." Anon does believe in the Bible as recording much ancient history.
Finally, as a non-practicing Catholic that was a convert from a version of catholic-lite, that business about bread and wine actually being the body and blood of Christ. Do any other religions profess transubstantiation? It was always hocus pocus to anon, so never bought into it. But is the practice another way to subvert a growing religion into the Satanic rituals?
What if, at the last supper, Christ meant "this is my body given up for you" as "I am your permanent sacrifice. You don't have to do that shit any longer."
Seriously anons. We need to prepare for these types of discussions. America is still a country practicing religions. Let's get on this.