FEMA , what would you say you ' do ' here ?
" Now, the only thing that has to happen for FEMA to be able to implement all the executive orders, emergency executive orders, is for the President to declare a national emergency of any type, as long as it's a national emergency.
Executive Order 10995 provides for the takeover of the communications media.
Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover of all electric, power, petroleum, gas, fuels, and minerals.
Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover of food resources and farms.
Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.
Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under the Government supervision.
Executive Order 11001 provides for Governmental takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.
Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
Executive Order 11003 provides for the Government to take over airports and aircraft.
Executive Order 11004 provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
Executive Order 11005 provides for the Government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
Now, all of these were COMBINED under Nixon into one huge Executive order, which allows all of this to take place if the President declares a national emergency and it can be implemented by the head of FEMA, NOT BY THE PRESIDENT. The President has already given him that power under these executive orders.All of these were combined into Executive Order 11490 and that was signed by President Carter on July 20,1979, and is, in fact, law.