>this board gets a lot of attention
>this board gets no attention
Pick one.
That's because they're genuinely stupid people.
Like the MSM giving Q free media and attention.
I don't think they understand yet that most of what they say, people think the opposite is true.
So when they call Q a "fake conspiracy", that translates to a "real operation", kek.
I think this would be the 16th or 17th "10 days of darkness".
Too many people would rather make some incoherent "decode" which has actually no IRL meaning or application, than the explanatory graphics. The simpler the better for normalfags. I think very simple side by sides like (pic1) or graphics that explain something step by step (pic2) at the best for spreading, not the nonsensical and irrelevant "decodes" that aren't even decodes like "Qclock" retards or the other stupid shit.
This is what I do personally.
For ANY article with a paywall, I paste the url into an archive site just to see if it was archived.
Most of the time it works:
I'd participate in a thread specifically for making graphics to introduce people to Q.
We could devise graphics based on the major themes of Q.
>Epstein/Pedos/Human Trafficking
>Soft Coup/FISA/SpyGate
>Sum Of All Fears/U1/Iran/NK
>CEO resignations/Drain the Swamp
>NWO/Puppet Masters/Elites
The for proofs go to the Q Proof thread.
No problem. Works a lot of the time.
Exactly. The hard part is condensing for some of those themes hundreds of posts and supporting articles into a easy to read and relatively short graphic.
I'll figure out some pasta to post to maybe get anons interested. Thena thread could be made for those who want to brainstorm.