remember, disease prevention guidelines suggest that sharing nipple rings is a path to infection.
99% of the people might need to then check into a hospital . . .
items in the bag when mixed together would create toxic gases.
they need two or three more routes through New York that don't go through Manhattan or The Bronx.
Revise the ferry lines that used to run up and down the coasts.
create skilift like infrastructure in cities, people would have a private gondolla car and they would hook into the system. When they got to their destination they would rent a chasis for it and use it in lue of a rental car.
People would have hospice houses that also float and are easy to wash and reuse (for long term care (a hospice bubble house))
what else?
did we find Sir?
is this the governor and fren?
look like a personal family foto?
very weird.
column in the back ground. Devious faced 'water tank' for a Lionel scale train set? Old school Poloroid camera on the floor for naughty photos?
such an odd photo.
Is this the governor?
he's at level turddy-three and a turd? top of the pyramid guy.
their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
they own the sounds, right? no other music but theirs?
that's one version of using a name.
you're changing the subject.
that doesn't look like dust.
'smart dust' would be nanoparticles.
but you know this you're just gaslighting.
do I need to explain the use of 'would'?
with in the narrative 'smart dust' as used by the other anon would be/mean (be as in 'to mean', not 'to exist' or 'to have essense') nanoparticles.
do nanoparticles exist? I think so.
could you embed a molecule wihtin a carbon skin that later can be broken open to release the molecule? I would say that's highly probable.
Is that being done? I do not know.
Is it activated by 5G
it would be activated by something. 5G is a marketting term for the band-width rebilling industry.
huh interesting point.
but if you are used to getting it for nothing by just issuing it then you never ever borrowed it.
so the expense of having to pay back what they make up out of thin air must be really rankling the do-as-we say and call us Daddy financeer crowd.