Anonymous ID: 4446f6 March 31, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.8638342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the begining

I pr_yed.

I prayed for destruction.

The institutions of Man had become corrupted.

Evil had taken hold.

Along came a whisper

Riding the soft winds of the east.

All with breath heard

Few answered.

They are your heroes.

Soldiers of Michael.

If not for thier courage

(YOU) wouldn't have had a chance.

(YOU) were given an opportunity.


It is you & yours who'll reap these rewards.

It is you & yours who'll be tasked to carry this sacred light into the future.

Handle this gift with care.

It is fragile on it's best day.

During times such as these

Remain humble & caring.

You think you know

You have no idea.

The truth would shake the hardest among us.

You've been prepared.

You are ready.

Have faith in God.

Faith in yourself.

Faith in your fellow man.

The day is yours.

Seize it.

For God & Country.

May Freedom

Once again

Fill our ears

Our souls

With her sweet symphony.