Anonymous ID: 519b68 March 31, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.8637921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962 >>7964

>Why aren't people questioning why the US is being shut down over 3500 deaths in the us, (or 180,000 cases in the US)?


Because the entire planet is controlled by satanists who are marching to satanic orders and shutting down every country in the world, and then faking the deaths to create a fake global pandemic.


Under that scenario, can you imagine if POTUS did NOT shut down America? So he'd stand there and just say, meh, don't worry about it, we ain't doin nuffin. So the MSM could then manufacture NYC and CA deaths, not to mention the "gorillians" of deaths in China, Italy, Spain, etc., and the world would look on in horror as a "completely insane" president ignores an "obvious threat to humanity"?


No way. If you can't even keep NYC hospitals honest, how are you going to keep the Australian, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, UK and every other Cabal-controlled country honest? They'd just flatten the people with fake stories of death, and POTUS would effectively lose the credibility he has built with free-thinkers around the world.


So POTUS has to go along with it. And then use it to the advantage of the Plan. It's so obvious how every move POTUS makes to counter the "pandemic" is another step towards readying America for "the truth." Something BIG is coming. And POTUS is getting his people ready under the guise of a response to this fake virus outbreak.


Now, are there ANY deaths at all? Sure, of course, people always day. But is it from the flu, like every year? Well, there's a strange silence about flu deaths this year in the media. Are any daths attributable to this "germ" known as COVID 19? Maybe. How would we know when we get so many lies. Maybe it's a co-factor that makes the ordinary flu more virulent, increasingly the annual flu deaths by some marginal percentage. Maybe COVID 19 simply infects the sinuses and causes X% increase in mucous production. That alone would increase mortality from the flu or from others who have weakened lungs, as they get increased pneumonia as their airways fill with increased mucous (while healthy people just get an annoying post nasal drip and probably ignore it). That's just a theory by the way. But hey if the media does nothing but lie, what else are we supposed to do except try to imagine what the truth really is?


Short answer. POTUS has to resond to the covid scare with a shutdown. And why not use it to pass amazing stimuls legislation while he's at it. When he says America will come roaring back, he's not kidding. Or at least America will be better prepared psychologically/spiritually than any other country for whatever is coming next. Whatever THAT might be.

Anonymous ID: 519b68 March 31, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.8638230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8249 >>8261

The crazy satanic hack known as Madonna has posted another vapid Twitter video, with more symbolism. Her electric typewriter is a Coronut, reminding us of Tom Hanks' Corona typewriter. And Madonna also includes the "random" image of a bird in a cage, reminding us of Jimmy Kimmel's videos with the bird cage painting behind.


What is the bird cage symbol, really? They'd argue it's all about being "in quarantine" but this is a symbol that makes the rounds with the satanists on a regular basis.


And Q asks us about "caged birds singing".


The caged bird and the "little bird" has esoteric meaning, and I don't quite know what it is. Caged children? Another child sacrifice reference? Maybe it's as smiple (and as sick) as that.

Anonymous ID: 519b68 March 31, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8638410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8466

>But muh arests!!!


This is so much bigger than arrests.


This is the biggest transformation in mankind's history, since we were first created.


Arrests or no arrests don't change what's coming.


It's going to be glorious.