Anonymous ID: d5869f March 31, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.8637894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rapist, child molesters and now killers, WTF are they trying to do, cause more chaos abc panic? Of course they are. Where’s the DOJ in all of this


Coronavirus Jailbreak: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Commutes Sentences for 14 Convicted Killers


California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is responding to the Chinese coronavirus crisis by commuting the sentences of 14 felons convicted of murder or being involved in a murder.


Newsom made the decision to more quickly commute felons’ sentences in the midst of the coronavirus, providing early release through parole to about 19 felons — some of whom killed children and one convict who murdered a pregnant woman.


Two of the felons are immigrants to the U.S., and Newsom’s purpose for commuting their sentences is to have them avoid deportation.


The 19 felons given commutations by Newsom include:


50-year-old Rodney McNeal convicted of stabbing his pregnant wife to death

75-year-old Suzanne Johnson convicted of assaulting a child to death

35-year-old Kristopher Blehm convicted for aiding in a murder

64-year-old Joann Parks convicted of killing her three children

67-year-old Rosemary Dyer convicted of murdering her husband

40-year-old Jason Bryant convicted for witnessing murder during a robbery

56-year-old Steven Bradley convicted of murdering a gas station worker

64-year-old Richard Flowers convicted of murdering a woman

61-year-old Samuel Eldredge convicted of shooting a person to death

49-year-old Ramon Rodriguez convicted of murdering a person for pay

56-year-old James Harris convicted of kidnapping and murdering two people

48-year-old Robert Glass convicted of murdering a burglary victim

45-year-old David Jassy convicted of murdering a man he was fighting with

68-year-old Shyrl Lamar convicted of witnessing the murder of two people

Tri Thai, an immigrant, convicted of assault, dissuading a witness, and burglary

Monsuru Tijani, an immigrant, convicted of issuing fake financial statements

Shannon Thomas-Bland convicted of drug crimes

Gabriel Garcia convicted of drug crimes

Brenda Ibanez convicted of robbery and using a fake ID to buy a vehicle

Newsom also pardoned five felons who previously served their sentences for various crimes.


In New York, as Breitbart News reported, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) insistence that at least 1,100 inmates be released from prison during the coronavirus crisis has allowed eight sex offenders — three of whom raped children — to be freed back into the general public.

Anonymous ID: d5869f March 31, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.8637912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8176 >>8340 >>8464

Democrats Fight to Preserve the ‘UAC’ Migrant Pipeline


Yep, cause more chaos and panic


Democrats are fighting to keep open the “Unaccompanied Alien Child” (UAC) pipeline that is used by illegal immigrant parents to bring their children into the United States.


President Donald Trump and his deputies have been working to close the UAC pipeline during the coronavirus epidemic, and are sending some of the UACs back to their home countries instead of letting them enter the country.


Since 2011, the pipeline has been used to deliver more than 350,000 youths and children to their illegal immigrant parents in the United States. This pipeline process sends many additional migrants into Americans’ blue collar workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools.


“We are concerned about recent reports that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is removing unaccompanied children to countries where they fear violence, in violation of their legal rights under the Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA),” a group of senior Democrats said in March 30 letter to Chad Wolf, the acting chief of the Department of Homeland Security.


The letter was signed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif), Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D.-Calif.). They are the top Democrats on the Senate and House judiciary committees and immigration subcommittees.


The Democrats continued:


Reports that DHS is not following the TVPRA are deeply troubling. We have an obligation to ensure the health and safety of these children. Children do not have to be put in harm’s way to protect us from the coronavirus pandemic. DHS has the ability and capacity to protect both these children and the public. We request that DHS stop this practice immediately.


In the 2019 and 202o budget battles, Democrats blocked funding for a DHS program that sought to close the pipeline by identifying and deporting the parents of the UACs.


The new letter is likely the opening shot for a push by Democrats to defund the DHS anti-UAC policy actions. The fight will be part of the 2021 spending fights, and GOP leaders will likely agree to curbs on DHS in exchange for Democrats’ agreement with the GOP’s business priorities.


If the UAC pipeline is closed, many Central American migrants will return to their home countries. That return would nudge up blue collar wages – but would also reduce income in the white-collar immigration sector.


President Barack Obama repeatedly suggested the young UAC migrants were fleeing crime and terror.


But the vast majority of UACs seeking to join their illegal immigrant parents in the United States. They are accompanied to the border agencies by coyotes who are hired by the illegal immigrant parents using funds they earn in U.S. jobs.


Under the 2008 TVPRA law, the ‘UACs’ are automatically relayed to the Department of Health and Human Services. They are then relayed by HHS to people who volunteer to “sponsor” the UACs before their eventual court appearances.


The vast majority of sponsors are the Central American illegal immigrant parents who paid the coyotes to bring the children to the border. The current inflow of UACs is likely funded by many of the migrants who entered in 2019.


Officials and GOP legislators have freely admitted that they know most of the would-be sponsors are the Central American illegal immigrant parents.

Anonymous ID: d5869f March 31, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8637987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8106

Mysterious Message Appears on Missing Chinese Doctor’s Social Media Account


Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday evening that a mysterious post appeared on a social media account belonging to Wuhan whistleblower Dr. Ai Fen within a few hours of the 60 Minutes Australia report that said she had disappeared.


It was the first social media post on Dr. Ai’s Weibo account since March 16.


Weibo is a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter, which the authoritarian regime has banned for ordinary Chinese citizens, although government operatives have no trouble using it to spread propaganda through the outside world and harass critics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


The post that appeared on Weibo under Ai’s name consisted of a photograph taken along Jianghan Road in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus outbreak began, and where Ai was head of emergency services at a major hospital prior to her disappearance. The photo was accompanied by the caption, “A river. A bridge. A road. A clock chime.”


RFA said it has not been able to “verify Ai’s whereabouts independently” or communicate directly with her.


“Detainees in police or other official custody have been known to have their social media accounts updated, either by themselves acting under orders from the authorities, or after police gain access to their devices,” the report noted.


RFA also ominously observed that Ai’s photo has been surgically removed from the cover of China’s People magazine, where she was once celebrated as an early responder to the coronavirus epidemic.


News website Gript also said it has been unable to contact Ai since the 60 Minutes Australia report aired. “According to her social media accounts she is scheduled to appear at an online conference this Thursday,” Gript noted, promising an update if Ai makes her planned appearance.