Anonymous ID: 8f8d84 March 31, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8638782   🗄️.is 🔗kun



New York Times reported the FIRST case of Coronavirus in NY as a Jewish lawyer who attended Young Israel Synagogue in New Rochelle, NY. 10 out of 11 cases were all in this neighborhood.


As many Q Patriots are calling bullshit on this PlanneDemic, and actually showing videos of empty Emergency Rooms in hospitals, the MSM quickly sprang to maintain their Panic Narrrative by putting out stories of dead people and Body Bags. Showing footage of Hospitals and Doctors to sell the story.


60 Minutes: the Australia affiliate ran a segment on Epicenter New York City, "many people died from corona narrative".

It was a video chat with a "Dr." whose name was not on screen. This Dr. kept saying "many many people died". She made a point of refuting what has gotten out, that it's people 80 years old with other illnesses that are dying after getting corona.


She said: "many young people have it. people in their 20s, 30s, 40s have corona." The entire "interview" is just this Dr. saying it.


At the end, another woman outside of the hospital, no ID, is repeating the same crap. The hospital name behind her is Long Island Jewish Hospital.


New Yorker anon here wonders: Long Island? an Outer borough suburb with low people density, and stay-at-home for 2 weeks, not exactly a crowded neighborhood…sounds far fetched…


The woman says "so many people died" and squishes her eyes like she's tearing up. Real Hospital Workers don't break down just because people get the flu and die. It's terrible crisis acting.


MSM Journalism Fail


One defining feature of the MSM Fake News Corona Fear Mongering Skits are that they all lack the 5 Ws of Journalism: Who, What, When, Where, Why.


Who - No names of any corona dead people. Except for the Jewish lawyer in New Rochelle who was reported today as "recovered".

A "Pandemic" in which MSM cannot name a single patient or family member of patient, nor to get a single sound bite of a sick person.CBS using old video of coffins from Italy boat crash to say it's "New York dead" is outright Fraud.


What - No MSM "reporter" talks about What sick corona people are feeling. What symptoms, what degree fever, how it progresses, nothing, nada.No numbers given, as in 10 died today, 5 died yesterday. 300 died in Queens, 200 died in Manhattan…. no actual numbers given for any aspect of this "crisis".What treatments are the corona patients being given? What is working, what is not working?


When - No reporting of When a patient first showed symptoms, the day by day progression, When they were hospitalized, When they were given drugs, when they died.


Where - No mention of Where these dead people are from. Where did they contract coronavirus. Where did they live, where did they work. Where are the hospitals with all these dead people.


Why - No discussion of Why so many people are "dead" from corona even though the self-isolation started over 2 weeks ago in NYC.

Why was it killing 80 yr. olds but suddenly kills a 17 yr. old.

Most curious is why is no MSM "journalist" using the word INFECTION?

as in, Why did so many New Yorkers in Queens die from the coronavirus infection?


MSM just tells us Look it's a lot of people died. Look 10 Body Bags in an empty Truck that holds 400.


All vague and nebulous, like Smoke and Mirrors.

Anonymous ID: 8f8d84 March 31, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.8639111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think it's cover for taking out the Khazarians Jews and Mossad.


Too "aggressive" words.

Think Sun Tzu . I think Pres. Trump is working with Pres. Xi.