Anonymous ID: cc1ee9 March 31, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.8639331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9506 >>9727

New Revelations About Woman Who Accidentally Poisoned Her Husband to Death with Fish Tank Cleaner Raises Eyebrows


A couple weeks ago President Trump announced a new medical treatment that includes malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and Z-pac cocktail to battle the Coronavirus.


So the media just had to run with a fake news story in an effort to stop these drugs from being distributed to people suffering from the virus.


Last Monday it was reported that a 68-year-old man died after ingesting chloroquine.


Only he didn’t ingest chloroquine — his wife fed him fish tank cleaner and he was poisoned to death.


But the media ran with the lie anyway, because orange man bad.


The woman told NBC last week how she came up with the great idea for her and her husband to ingest fish tank cleaner as a preventative measure: “I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re talking about on TV?’”


The woman said she poured a teaspoon of the fish tank cleaner into their sodas and dialed 911 after they both began to feel sick.


The woman. who was initially in critical condition survived, but her husband died.


As always, there is more to the story about the woman who fed her husband fish tank cleaner.


Techno Fog obtained court records showing the wife who fed her husband fish tank cleaner (poison?) has a history of mental illness (paranoia, depression) and had considered divorcing her husband as far back as 2012.


Follow this thread:


The wife had significant health issues.


She testified that she had "adrenal gland failure, and steroids and heart medicine are keeping me functioning"


While this shows that she (and maybe her husband) were high risk for COVID-19..


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


And she certainly wasn't shy to seek input from doctors.


Transcripts (civil case) show she sought out an occupational health doctor and "wanted his advice"


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


"I am on three sleeping pills at night so that I don't have nightmares and so that I can sleep."


The sleeping pills – melatonin, Ambien, Valium (all at once 😳)


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


She was furious and wanted a divorce in 2012.


Did you tell your doctor in 2012 that you wanted a divorce?


"Probably. I'm furious all the time."


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


They were broke because of her medications.


Finances, marital problems, anger issues, depression.


These raise SIGNIFICANT questions when a spouse kills the other (taking this stuff was her idea).


A curious media would get the 911 call and see if there was an autopsy.


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


The Washington Free Beacon also reported that the Arizona woman who ingested fish tank cleaner donated thousands of dollars to Democrat causes over the years.

Anonymous ID: cc1ee9 March 31, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.8639346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9451

'Lack of Confidence in FBI's Procedures' - DOJ IG Audit of 29 FISA Warrants Finds Errors with All of Them


Horowitz’s office found errors in all of the 29 FISA applications it reviewed during an audit as follow-up to an investigation of the bureau’s illegal spying of Carter Page.


Horowitz previously admonished the FBI for making “17 significant errors and inaccuracies” when it sought and obtained a total of four FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


The OIG released a report on Tuesday revealing the FBI’s FISA abuse is still a widespread ongoing problem.


“As a result of our audit work to date and as described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the OIG said in a 17-page memorandum.


Recall, the appendix to Horowitz’s December report identified a total of 51 Woods Procedures violations by Comey’s FBI.


The “Woods Procedures” were designed to protect American citizens to “ensure accuracy with regard to … the facts supporting probable cause” after recurring abuses where the FBI presented inaccurate information to the FISC.


Congressman Nunes’ 2-page FISA memo released in February of 2018 suggested Comey’s cabal violated the Woods Procedures — and he was correct.


The FBI failed to execute its Woods Procedure in the most recent audit of 29 FISA applications dated between October of 2014 and September of 2019, according to Horowitz.


In other words, not much has changed over at the FBI despite the firings and ‘scathing reports’ from the DOJ’s watchdog.


Read the OIG report here.


#FISA BREAKING: IG Horowitz on FBI FISA applications and supporting docs, so-called Woods File “As a result of our audit work to date…we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy.” @CBSNews


— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) March 31, 2020