Anonymous ID: 1029d1 March 31, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.8642163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2222

Coronavirus/Plague = Pedophilia


Lives lost = How many may die as a result of the operations


Old plan/model and projections of lives lost vs Current plan/model and projections of lives lost = 2.2 Million (Potus wanted to act NOW) vs 200k (US Mil plan of least lives lost).

>This would explain how somber he was while making these announcements


Tough couple of weeks ahead = Operations are a go


Light at end of tunnel = As soon as this operation is over, @POTUS will give full disclosure


@POTUS literally said:

We stopped China

We stopped EU (think flag change in Italy)

We stopped UK

We stopped Ireland

>All of these are trafficking hubs


USA hubs are next. Earthquakes = DUMBs and Satanic sacrificial hubs being dismantled.


Not saying there wasn't an actual virus released, BTW. You can also tell by his demeanor that he was VERY FRUSTRATED with their questions. Not a SINGLE REPORTER ASKED THE Q in the middle of all this craziness, theories, hysteria, people locked in their homes, possible RECORD viewership of the conference across the GLOBE. Think about it. He stood there for 2 hours and 11 minutes waiting for a reporter to ask the fucking Q.


Birx gives Acosta a look on the way out.


Crickets. Stupid questions. Gotcha questions. Malarkey. FFS, he wants them to ask the Q so bad so he can finally put people's minds at ease for final confirmation. All the DS has is fear, projection, misdirection, lies, deceit, panic, hatred, jealousy, immorality. He wants to bury the axe so bad, but they are