Anonymous ID: c6d4b0 March 31, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.8641918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1946


Anon, the scarf is old news already:




>POTUS with the scarf again


>Scarfs are good


>"You can use a scarf. It is very effective." -POTUS

>Suicide weekend?

>Go ahead kill yo self on a door knob.


>Yea, the scarf thing. And that lady up there with him is wearing a red scarf too. Are they trying to tell some people something?


>suicide helium mask vs. suicide by scarf


>I hope david spade at least has the decency to use a Kate Spade scarf.


>potus said "they can use scarfs" !

>red ones

>i hope


>The scarf is recommended for a short time. Mmmm Red scarf and there is a limited time before we imprison you.


>Potus: "If you're at home you can use a scarf" or something like that.


>Use the Scarf!

>>8640918 (this is a good one w/ Fauci)

>Arrrrrgh! Just use a Scarf Allrdy!


>The red scarf is a neckerchief worn by young pioneers of several countries during the socialist (“communist”) era. In the Soviet Union it was known as pionerskiy galstuk (пионерский галстук, i. e. pioneer’s neckerchief), in Vietnam as khăn quàng đỏ (red scarf), in China as hong lingjin (紅領巾, red scarf), in Cuba as pañoleta roja (red scarf), and in Hungary as úttörőnyakkendő (pioneer’s neckerchief). Blue scarves were also used by youngsters before coming of age to wear the red one, and are still seen in some countries.



>Haha brutal.


>do fauci and birx get the rope for this crime against humanity?

>or do they use the scarf?

>asking for a fren


>Roger that. I suspect POTUS is spotlighting him and the scarf woman for a very specific reason.

>I wouldn't trust either of them to walk a dog.

>Great sketch, Fren


>OH fuck.

>He just said "use a scarf".

>That isn't going to age well, MSM is going to be blowing up on this one with virus particle size, etc.

>Dr. B has the scarf down!

Anonymous ID: c6d4b0 March 31, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8642036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>too close to Yellowstone for my comfort level.


>well if yellowstone blows I might have enough time to go buy a pack of camels and make a drink before the long valley caldera gets triggered by it and we all say adios.

Will pray for you anon, hopefully this isn't the big one, and hopefully BDanon is just a larping faggot with all the Yellowstone worries.

What a timeline.