Anonymous ID: d4411e March 31, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.8641892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2000 >>2128

Am I not piecing this together right or am I just far off? I try not to stay biased or pro-Q with how I come to my conclusions because it's best to look at an overall situation for what it is. I realize the response to most of these things is "Trump turned the blackhat tech against them or made it safe" but they have no sauce. At all. So why do you think that?


Has anyone else noticed that we are going full steam ahead towards 5G which will be a "major part of the economy"? Digital currency anyone? Digital currency = Cabal. Also this entire virus event is going full steam ahead towards a mandatory vaccine at the end. Bill Gates said himself he wants a vaccine pass in order to travel. Trump is talking about Johnson & Johnson making the vaccine. That's a cabal pharm company. I myself used their Levaquin ten years ago and got massive tendon damage from it. How are they even still in business?


This, to me, appears like it's all a sham. It IS a movie. The whole Trump vs. the media is a movie. The whole democrats vs Trump is a movie. It's all nonsense. To me it looks like the democrats are appearing to be radical and crazy so that way Trump looks like the savior. They're not even hiding their intentions. For God's sake an actual socialist was running on their side (Sanders). He never had a chance in America. Obviously Trump is going to win the next election, but is Trump still rolling out their agenda? 5G and vaccines? GMOs? Nothing has been done on that front.


To the anon that posted a few days ago about doubters: You were right. I enjoyed your post. The NWO didn't need Trump. But what do you think would have happened if Hillary got in? Everybody was sick of Obama and it was plainly obvious Hillary was going to kill us all. I'm sure the military and militia's around the country were planning on storming the White House to get rid of her. Instead we got Trump and Q and we're all sitting on our hands doing nothing. You don't see how that could be a NWO thing too?


I'm not being negative. I'm trying to be factual. I'm just very frustrated with this whole thing and until I see someone BIG go down and some REAL transparency, I think I can't be convinced any of these Q promises will ever even happen. No more hidden secret codes in Trump's speeches about hidden enemies and war. Put someone big in handcuffs and get a big win. Then you'll convince the doubters. Until then I still feel every day like this virus is going to get me and there's no hope.