Anonymous ID: f4f718 April 1, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.864319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Repost from prev bread >>855399 #1066



>>854281 (prev bread) Hogg redditt

>>854119 (notables #1060) Hogg celebrates millions dead


So did some digging there and found this:



Posted by hogg about four months ago. Two months before shooting.

Very few replies from four months ago to this post, but, one of them made my spidey sense go off:


iforgetredditpsswrds 17 points 4 months ago

Praying for victims


Question: Out of all the possible predictions some-one could come up with, WHY THIS?

oldfag wouldn't even know where to begin to find out who posted this. Whois iforgetredditpsswrds? Is it one of Hoggs minions, the five commie cowards touring the country for CNN/Soros stirring up hate?


And as I write this post, THIS gets dropped? >>859386




They start the process to get a permit before the shooting.

What will be trending? Praying for victims.


Like I said, I wouldn't know where to begin to figure out who 'iforgetredditpsswrds ' is, if it's even possible. Does this look like digging is needed?