Anonymous ID: 963113 March 31, 2020, 6:30 p.m. No.8642471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2506 >>2531 >>2727 >>2930 >>3043

Coup plan B! US tells Guaido he may renounce his Venezuela ‘presidency’ claim – but they’ll still support him


The US State Department magnanimously agreed that opposition politician Juan Guaido may not actually be president of Venezuela, but insisted he still has to be part of a transition government if Caracas wants sanctions relief.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo put forth a “democratic transition framework” on Tuesday, under which Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro would set up a power-sharing interim government with Guaido, that would arrange for elections in six months to a year.


According to Pompeo, the proposal “protects the interests and equities of all Venezuelan people who desperately seek a resolution to their dire political, economic and humanitarian crisis,” and he urged all sides to “carefully and seriously” consider it.


The US and EU would lift their sanctions against Venezuela – including a ban on oil exports and on Maduro and his colleagues personally – if and when the initiative is “fully implemented,” the State Department said.


Within hours, the government in Caracas rejected the US plan, calling it a “a pseudo-interventionist proposal for a supervised government.”


Venezuela does not accept, nor will it ever accept any tutelage, from any foreign government.


Washington and a score of its allies have stubbornly maintained since January 2019 that Guaido is the true president of Venezuela. Tuesday’s proposal is a tacit admission that his claim is void – but that does not mean the US is giving up on its dreams of regime change.


“We've made clear all along that Nicolas Maduro will never again govern Venezuela,” Pompeo told reporters, adding that the State Department “worked closely” with Guaido when they put together the proposal, and continue to support him.


“I think he's the most popular politician in Venezuela. I think if there were an election held today, he could do incredibly well,” Pompeo said, when asked about Guaido.


In reality, the 36-year-old politician repeatedly failed to muster any decisive support for his claim in Venezuela, despite millions of dollars in US funding, and crushing sanctions targeting Maduro’s government as well as the country in general. Less than a hundred troops answered Guaido’s call for an armed uprising at the end of April 2019.

Anonymous ID: 963113 March 31, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.8642488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2624 >>2641 >>2665 >>2705

Dr. Birx Pushes COMPLETE RUBBISH on American Public — Insists without One Iota of Proof that the US Economic Suicide Cut Coronavirus Deaths by Over a Million Deaths!


Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx again on Tuesday pushed the talking point that by shutting down the US economy the Trump administration, US government and Coronavirus task force was able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1-2 million to 100,000 to 200,000.


This is based on “models” by her chosen scientific “experts”.


This truly is outrageous.


When Americans are not able to feed their babies or buy bread in June they can thank conspiracy theorists like Dr. Deborah Birx.


As The Gateway Pundit reported numerous times — The global community shut down their economies after the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the coronavirus had a 3.4% mortality rate.


WHO leader, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, really stoked fear across the planet when he claimed the COVID-19 had a 3.4% mortality rate and then compared that to the annual estimated flu mortality rate of 0.1%.


We don’t know how horrible the economic damage will be thanks to the ‘models’ pushed by ‘experts’ but we know it will be huge.


On Sunday Dr. Deborah Birx spoke at the daily White House coronavirus press conference.


She followed Dr. Anthony Fauci who earlier today estimated the United States will see from 100,000 to 200,000 coronavirus deaths in the coming weeks and months.


Dr. Birx said the Task Force is reevaluating numbers and is in agreement with the Chris Murray study that was released last Thursday.


Dr. Birx said all of the flu models predicted somewhere between 1.6 and 2.2 million deaths if the government did not mitigate. It is not clear where she or the other experts came up this this excessive number.


Dr Birx said some models predicted half of the United States would be infected.


There is not a single country that has seen more than 13,000 deaths from the virus. Yet, Dr. Birx told the American public on Sunday and again on Tuesday that the US was going to see over one million deaths.


This is complete rubbish.


When the coronavirus numbers come in two months from now at a much lesser mortality rate Americans will not be so happy about losing their jobs and their savings.


The goalposts are moving.

Anonymous ID: 963113 March 31, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.8642705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2727 >>2930 >>3043



Dr. Birx’s Connections with the Clinton Foundation and Obama Unfortunately Indicate Conflicted Loyalties


Is Dr. Deborah Birx, the doctor with the scarf, a voice of reason or another Deep State doctor pushing economic disaster and suffering?

Her past unfortunately provides the answer.


Dr. Deborah Birx comes across as the calming voice of reason while encouraging Americans to default on their life savings. She encourages Americans to stay at home and away from the coronavirus that is killing 80 year olds with pre-existing medical conditions. The fact that fatalities from the virus are almost non-existent in the working class has no bearing on Dr. Birx’s recommendations.


In spite of the fact that the death rates from the coronavirus to date are a fraction of the numbers from this year’s flu season, Dr. Birx suggests we all stay home and shut down the economy together.


Dr. Birx previously said all of the flu models predicted somewhere between 1.6 and 2.2 million deaths if the government did not mitigate. But we all know that these are large and excessive numbers difficult to validate. Dr Birx said some models predicted half of the United States would be infected.


Of course these predictions are based on wild exaggerations. In the next two months as the coronavirus numbers are tallied at a much lesser mortality rate Americans will not be so happy about losing their jobs and their life savings due to the dire predictions of the lady with the scarf, Dr. Birx. (Dr. Birx mentioned the Christopher Murray study. You can read it here.)


Dr. Birx is still promoting between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the US from the coronavirus:


The White House coronavirus response coordinator said Monday that she is “very worried about every city in the United States” and projects 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths as a best case scenario.


Of course the doctor knows that these predictions cause panic throughout the US and the world. Unfortunately the data comes nowhere to supporting these predictions. With the elderly and sick being the primary targets for the disease, this is difficult to believe. Individuals under the age of 70 without other medical conditions are at a very low rate of dying from the disease.


What the media is not telling us is that Dr. Birx has a storied past closely aligned to the Clintons and Obama.


Dr. Birx’s husband is former Bill Clinton advance man Paige Reffe. This relationship with Democrats and the Clinton’s is something that the good doctor is unable to separate from.


In an article in the Washington Post magazine, Dr. Birx is noted as being the perfect fit for Obama’s Head of PEPFAR (The President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief):


full story at