thanks bakes
oh look youre pretending to talk to people
did you really get that fucking hurt you fat little faggot?
wow, i thought you were a little harder than that
eh, either way, keep trying to pine for social conformity in a board that is based upon burning that out of anons
have fun you fucking low iq dipshit
tell bo i said hoi
who is John Galt?
good god youre still trying nigger?
i thought you went to sleep
your memes are faggot
and you should feel faggot
cuz fuck you faggots
i will leave this with you my anons
fuck you shills and mods pretending to be anons
herpa derp just have fun fuck you faggot
now youre trying to be a wow fag?
holy shit bitch just stick with targeting new fags you literally dont know what youre talking about ima just gonna say please fucking stahp
i would absolutely wrek your fucking shit on my off spec you absolute fucking shill
you really do tho
and thats the sad thing
ever since 8bit left
you literally have mods
my apologies
my alt was a resto shammy who actually did progression
my lock sucked
dont tell ginger pedo tho im in a fight with her