except no need to add the "April fools" … let their minds wrestle with that part. PERFECT day for the wildest of reveals, IMO.
Wouldn't mind agreeing with you if I thought it were true, but it's not. Homo here. I totally reject homosexuality on moral grounds—haven't "lived the life" in 6 years. Was never molested. Nothing even remotely of the sort. Ideal parents/upbringing. Choice to act on it, yes, but not the attraction. But think what you like—I've said this before, and people gonna believe what they want.
Male, 3 MUCH older brothers (all old enough to have fathered me), never anything even remotely inappropriate. Actually wasn't very close with ANY of them due to age difference. I freely admit that I may be the rare case. I had no sexual contact of any kind until age 23. Spiritual battle, IMO. Different types of demons attempt to manipulate different types of people.