Atlas 212
Jewish Gematria
The Bible God: 212
Atlas 318
English Gematria
Be Best: 318
Atlas 53
Simple Gematria
God Hand: 53(movie reference like the hand of God came down on the ship - White Squall)
Sabbath: 53
The travelling space body is reported to only be a few kilometres wide but it's atmosphere has grown increasingly big, now believed to be about half as wide as the Sun.
Space dust? Space mist?
Scientist Claims Coronavirus Was Brought To Earth By A Meteroite That Hit China In 2019
If admitting it came from space would that not cause far more panic, so keep it in terms that humanity can rationalize? Virus, lab, flu?
Back to comet, Atlas. Comments on the color blue in appearance. Is this a reference to the Blue Star Kachina? Hopi Prophecy?