Tucker discussing scientists paper claiming COVID-19 origins from Horseshoe Bat (starts around 8 min)
I think this is the scientists paper;
Horowitz sent a 15 page memorandum to FBI Director Christopher Wray yesterday. In it he stated the FBI's abuse of FISA went
well beyond what we call 'spygate'.
Horowitz's office looked at 29 FISA applications aside from the 4 that were in question;
Four FISA applications had missing evidence to back FBI's claims (3 of those may never have existed at all)
25 FISA applications had "apparant errors or inadequately supported facts" (so they weren't facts)
Flawed oversight of FISA applications (FBI admits they've done little oversight of these applications)
Well I've heard gossip suggesting that they are consuming tainted blood and that's how they're getting it. Since kids can be carriers but may not show symptoms.
No matter what happens, we will hunt (you) down, even after we die.