Maybe I wont join Sam's after all
Maybe I wont join Sam's after all
*Ding ding ding - this hit me last night.
But I think there is more to it.
Hospitals empty for casualties as well โ not just those brought out
Also, those who are already here - the ones who belong to the group who captured them and put them there - those folks arent going to go quietly onto that good night, ya know? I think that's why we are staying indoors. Things are already getting weird out there - just go grab some local headlines
For yourself. These are some I got this morning
Masks? Might those underground have some dangerous weaponry? Might that get blown up - or worse, deployed? Just some thoughts.
We need to find the use of the words 'scourge', 'invisible enemy's 'silent enemy's, and 'ultimate deterrent' (this one is in a Q drop and attached Chirchill speech)
I saw that. Makes me feel better - about the now, at least. But there has to be a reason for so many masks being produced. Been pondering that.
Maybe those being brought up could be being with them things to which we have never been exposed, just as they will be vulnerable to things on the surface after having been underground for so long