How many rickety ships would it take to hold 6 million people? I want to show how much I care.
Dont believe the fake news media version of the cv until you know somebody, just one, personally in a hospital fighting for the life from the virus. It wont happen. I didnt say a friend of my moms cousin…I said somebody that you know personally.
I guess "they" finally figured out you cant make a globe without using curved water and there is no curved water on earth. They have to flatten the curve…because water is flat…and it covers 70% of the earth. The fraud is obvious even to the blind people now.
plum island, animal research, cloning, disease…right by montauk. DId something escape by montauk?
show me how you make a globe without using curved water. Now show me where curved water exists in the real world.
Do you always believe the news?
Time to string him up. and watch him squirm to get free, see how many days he lasts.